
(1)   Community-based Healthcare Fund/Cooperatives: providing access to basic healthcare services  —  checkups, screenings, doctor visits, hospitalization and medication.

(2) Community-Based Medical Reserve Corp:  A trained volunteer group that respond to community emergencies and other functions. Engage in public health education campaigns to promote awareness of issues and help with disease prevention. Map out key sanitation problem areas and spearhead clean-up efforts in the community. Collect, analyze and publicize information on health conditions, issues, and trends in the respective communities.

(3) Medical Buddy — Mentorship & Technical Assistance for Continuing Education of Health Professionals:  Connect doctors in Africa to doctors in North America (US & Canada). Organize continuing medical education — through workshops, seminars, and mobile technologies for doctors, nurses, and other health professionals to bring them up to speed on new diagnostic techniques, emergent cases and issues to deliver better patient care.  This involves deploying mobile technology (laptops & tablets) that facilitates access to health advice and information; opportunities to train health workers in remote locations, and the means to not only monitor patients but also access their information for faster and better diagnosis.

(4)   Hospitals/Clinics/Doctors Reviewed

Our Approach

Our approach in providing much needed basic healthcare in under-served communities is:

  •  holistic – we focus not on one disease but all the diseases and health conditions that prevail in a given area
  •  realistic – we are not under any illusion as to what works or what to do based on reasonable implementation plan
  •  specific – to a community based on health needs assessment and prioritization of the identified needs
  •  synergistic – a careful combination of local and international efforts to produce results

It is also designed to be:

  •  comprehensive
  •  innovative
  •  responsive
  •  transformative

And equally sustainable! Long term durability of the projects is our key goal.